Prepared by for the year endedmonthdateyear in RMB
項 目items |
本期金額 |
上期金額 |
一、營業(yè)收入Revenue |
減:營業(yè)成本Cost of sales |
營業(yè)稅金及附加Oparating tax |
銷售費用Sales expense |
管理費用Adminstrative expense |
財務(wù)費用Financial expense |
資產(chǎn)減值損失Loss of impairment of assets |
加:公允價值變動收益(損失以“-”號填列)Add:Changes of fair value of assets |
投資收益(損失以“-”號填列)Investment income |
其中:對聯(lián)營企業(yè)和合營企業(yè)的投資收益Include:income from associates |
二、營業(yè)利潤(虧損以“-”號填列)oparating profit |
加:營業(yè)外收入Add:income from non-oparating activites |
減:營業(yè)外支出Less:expense from non-oparating activites |
其中:非流動資產(chǎn)處置損失Include:loss on disposal of non-current assets |
三、利潤總額(虧損總額以“-”號填列)profit |
減:所得稅費用Less:income tax |
四、凈利潤(凈虧損以“-”號填列)Net profit |
五、每股收益:Earning per share |
(一)基本每股收益Basic earning per share |
(二)稀釋每股收益Dilute earning per share |